Friday, December 19, 2014

Photoshop Fun 2

Klingon Empire Strikes Back

Here, I was inspired by the new Star Wars Trailer and ,also my admiration for the JJ Abrams Star Trek reboot . I'm  sad he left the Star Trek franchise but, I am glad he moved over to  the Star Wars franchise , so its bitter sweet me anyway. Here is my wish that both franchise would benefit .    I only can dream  or continuing making these Photoshop fantasy pictures.


  1. Amazing. Why do not you make a Borg cube facing the forces of the Rebel Alliance. Luke Skywalker assimilated as the new, Locutus of Borg:.. "Rebel Alliance Resistance is Futile You will be assimilated and will be part of Collectivity Surrender or be Exterminate."

  2. One of the things I resent is that never made absolutely no Star Trek series for television to open or pay tv and I miss follow a series of Star Trek

  3. I refer to the "new series of TV" of Star Trek. Since J.J. Abrams made a remake of the classic series of Star Trek to the movies is not spoken more in producing any new series of Star Trek for television...



My wife's favorite